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Workshops ● Concerts ● Rituals

I bring along lots of catchy songs that are easy to learn.

As a passionate ritual musician I accompany and support you with a strong voice, drumming and a huge repertoire of songs. What is the intention of your ritual? I will find the matching songs in my repertoire and sing them with you and for you. I love to travel and I will come to your area.

I enjoy to enrich birthday parties or weddings with heartful songs.

Don't hesitate to contact me via the contact form - welcome!

Singing with Peti Songcatcher

... in my region or even in the world

My speciality is the collection, preservation and sharing of songs sung at international Witch Camps, Goddess Conferences or campfire songs. These spiritual songs I bring with me - they are chants that are catchy and easy to learn.
Encouraging people to sing together is one of my strengths.

All generations - especially children - are very welcome :)
Concerts and sing-along
Songs, chants and mantras to listen and sing-along
Peti Songcatcher will bring her voice, drum and lots of story songs. She will sing your favourite songs ...
Co-facilitation of rituals
Strong voice, drum, huge repertoire
As a passionate ritual musician I'd like to accompany and support your ritual with a strong voice, drumming ...
Sie suchen Lieder für einen Tanz, ein Ritual, einen besonderen ...
... Anlass? Ich berate Sie kompetent & gern, bitte kontaktieren Sie mich. Honorar nach Vereinbarung.
Vortrag Ritualmusik
Was ist Ritualmusik?
Peti Songcatcher spricht über ihre internationalen Erfahrungen als Ritualmusikerin, untermalt von Reisefotos ...
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