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Songcatching ● International ritual music & chants

What is it all about ...

I strongly believe in the fact that the songs we listen to around the campfire are common property, but that people need to be able to access these songs. It is my vision to make these songs available in three languages (German, English, Spanish) to an international audience for everyone to draw strength from in their daily lives.
I travelled far and wide and listened to the songs of many different people, cultures and traditions and collected chants the way the Grimm Brothers collected fairytales.

The songs I collect are spiritual ones, so-called chants that people enjoy singing around the campfire. The lyrics often draw from Nature; the Sun, the Wind, Water and Earth and the four elements are often featured. Another important theme of the songs is the fire of passion and the ancient tradition of standing, sitting or dancing in a circle while singing together. People are sharing songs this way and I record them.
EarthSong Reclaiming Witchcamp 2019
27th Sept to 1st Oct 2019; Victoria, Australia
"Dja Dja Wurrung land, your song has called us here as one. Our hearts will understand..."
Dragonrise Reclaiming Witchcamp 2019
07.-11.08.2019 at magickal Wildways in Shropshire, UK
Welcome to enjoy songs, lyrics, story & path descriptions :)
Vermont Reclaiming Witchcamp 2018
18. - 25. August 2018, Timberlake, Vermont, USA
"We are in a magical forest ..."
© Jeffrey Alphonsus Mooney
Dragonrise Reclaiming Witchcamp 2017
26. - 30. Juli 2017 at magical Wildways in Shropshire, UK
The songs are dedicated to Dave & his family, with love and compassion.
Cloudcatcher Reclaiming Witchcamp
13. - 17. April 2017
at Koonjewarre, Sprinkbrook NP, QLD, Australia
Where the clouds touch the earth..
British Columbia Reclaiming Witchcamp
24. - 30. August 2015
BCWC celebrated its 28th year in 2015, at Evans Lake, British Columbia, Canada.
Dragonrise Reclaiming Witchcamp 2015
30. Juli - 2. August 2015 at magical Wildways in Shropshire, UK
Songs to download, listen & enjoy.
Earth Song Reclaiming Witchcamp 2014
Australia 2014
"You will find some fantastic songs and chants captured during workshops and ritual preparations recorded ...
International Reclaiming Witchcamps 2009 - 2013
Download: Songs & lyrics
Spanish Witchcamp; Phoenixcamp Germany; USA: Free Activist Witchcamp, Winterwitchcamp, California Witchcamp
Witchcamps and Reclaiming
Links, informations


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