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Testimonials & press comments

What people say about Peti Songcatcher & friends' gigs, Song Catching, Petis' CDs, the impact of songs ..


"I am loving the cds that you sent. I play them for my acupuncture patients and everybody says how great they are. Thanks for all you do!"
Ravyn Stanfield,

"I'm sitting here listening to your music. My chest is tingling. I don't know what it is, but your music touches me as if I were a resonating body for it. Soul and body react to it. ... You have such wonderful photos on the covers and CDs. You and your friends look so free and alive."
Susan R.,

"I got both CD's, they are beautiful. You have such an amazing voice and a joyful personality. Everyone was so grateful for your presence at the Goddess Conference in Australia in 2019."
Madeline, Australia

"Deine Songs sind einfach irdisch-himmlisch."
Heike K.,

"Liebe Peti Songcatcher! Deine/Eure Musik ist so schön und bereichernd, dass ich bitte gleich auch die zweite CD bestellen möchte."
Andrea aus Mödling, Österreich

"Deine beiden CDs bereiten mir sehr viel Freude :-) Schöne Lieder und Übersetzungen, schöne Stimmen."
Christiane aus Versmold, Deutschland

"In unserem Frauenretreat haben wir jeden Morgen im Kreis zur Feedback-Runde gesessen und eines deiner Lieder gehört und unsere Zellen erinnert. Es war wunderschön."
Tatjana aus Frankfurt/M.,


"Thank you Peti for doing the work of Song Catcher and documentarian. It was so relaxing to know that you had it all covered. One might call you a Spirit Holder as that is what you do, hold the spirit of our camp. Thank you, thank you!"
JD, DragonRise Witchcamp 2019, UK [camp organizer with David Janes]

"The love that you pour into the world is life changing! Thank you for being with you and for everything you so generously share ❤️ "
Julie-Ann, CloudCatcher Witchcamp 2017, Australia

"Thank you for catching such inspiring songs. I sing them every night to the resident possums and frog mouth owls after listening to them in my car on the way to work. Your purpose is divine."
Andrometa, Earth Song Witchcamp 2014, Australia

"Your beautiful voice and spirit sing to us all a loving invitation to share our beautiful voices and spirits, building such strong community in joined voices that we know we can do anything we dream of doing!"
Max Gries, Minnesota, USA [Winter Witchcamp, USA 2012]

"The songs hold our history, our culture, our devotion. You are historian, artist, and priestess."
Teri Parsley Starnes, Minnesota, USA [Winter Witchcamp, USA 2012]
Professional astrologer:;

"Peti doesn't gather then disseminate merely songs.. They're songs that tell a new story, a story that broadens and deepens what it is to love. Her songs celebrate expanding self-identity beyond conventional constraints and evoke that in both the listener and the singer."
Joel Carver, Washington State, USA [Free Activist Witchcamp, USA 2006 - 2010]

Gigs, Sing along

"Ihr wart hin- und mitreißend! Danke Peti, Paula und natürlich Duke für die Texte!"
Tim-Oliver Franzke; "Lange Nacht der Religionen" in Berlin, Mai 2107; Auftritt mit Paula Noske:▸

Konzert in der "Sternschnuppe Oldenbüttel", April 2017; Auftritt mit Duke Meyer:▸

"The atmosphere you create is wonderfully relaxed and cheerful. You introduce a huge variety of songs and you give so much space for whatever comes up while singing.
At the same time I can feel your serious commitment, your deep spirituality and above all that you have joy in what you are doing. My heartfelt thanks."
Ulrike J, Bremen, participant of the Bremen sing-along

"Thank you dear Peti, it was pure magic to sing with you! Looking forward to the next time!"
Theresia de Jong; at Summer Academy in "Einklang" Zetel, August 2015

"Nacht der spirituellen Lieder", Berlin, Februar 2016; Auftritt mit Paula Noske: Rezension von Curtis Nike - Rückblick auf ein besonderes Konzert

Concert tour May 2015

Angekündigt im Kreisboten Garmisch und im Murnauer Tagblatt.
Angekündigt im Kreisboten Garmisch und im Murnauer Tagblatt.
Roadtrip with Jan Runhardt to perform in Seehausen, Vienna & Ebenthal.

Heartfelt thanks to our fabulous audiences :)

We would like to thank
Dorothea Voss,
Andrea Dechant,
Elaria Andrae,
James Vermont
for organizing the gigs so well and for being wonderful hosts
and we also thank all those lovely folks who supported us during our tour.

Release party CD2

Achimer Kreisblatt, 26. Mai 2014
Achimer Kreisblatt, 26. Mai 2014
"Peti Songcatcher & friends" present their new CD

Release party announcement

Achimer Kurier, 20. Mai 2014
Achimer Kurier, 20. Mai 2014
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