Dragonrise Reclaiming Witchcamp 201726. - 30. Juli 2017 at magical Wildways in Shropshire, UK
The songs are dedicated to Dave & his family, with love and compassion.
♥ Many thanks to organisers & teachers! ♥
♥ Thanks to all the lovely people who sang, created & shared songs. ♥Listen to or download songs of Dragonrise Witchcamp, UK 2017
"A creation myth from the Northern lands of Britain, fair Scotland itself… We offer to you…
The Cailleach!
Cailleach, old woman, hag, witch. Fierce as the biting north wind and the tempest-stricken sea. Bent over, she who journeys across the land, across the soils, shaping and shifting, dropping rocks and leaving mountains along the way. Exhausted and spent, the winter is long, the winter is not long enough (for some). And there is a whisper on the air, a song, a beckoning, a promise of green and renewal…
Join Cailleach, Beira, Queen of Winter on a journey of creation, of transformation, of cycles and the promise of spring. What stories have been told of your creation? What stories might you create?"
My path: "Our Cycle of Creation: Walking with the Cailleach – with Elinor & Irisanya"
"We are creators. With each step, with each movement, we make the world around us. We drop rocks and boulders and shape the places where we are (and are going). And in this daily process, we can become tired and aching and old. There are times when we rest, when we rest deeply, or maybe we need to rest deeply, but don’t…. In deep stillness we can collect ourselves, turn inward to find what seemed lost, and take up the promise of renewal.
Can we be quiet enough to hear the whisper on the wind?
Can we be brave enough to follow that voice that says ‘come here, come here’?
Can we come together to create a new story that leaves flowers in our wake?
In this path, we’ll discover and uncover the ways in which we are creative forces of nature. We’ll explore the cycle of creation from where we begin, through rest and reflection, into the place(s) of renewal and inspiration. Through trance, writing, gentle movement, and listening to the wind and one another, we will walk with the Cailleach, creating as we go.
We are creators, like so many before us, and this is the story of our creation."
Source: www.dragonrisecamp.org
26. - 30. Juli 2017 at magical Wildways in Shropshire, UK

♥ Thanks to all the lovely people who sang, created & shared songs. ♥
Listen to or download songs of Dragonrise Witchcamp, UK 2017
"A creation myth from the Northern lands of Britain, fair Scotland itself… We offer to you…
The Cailleach!
Cailleach, old woman, hag, witch. Fierce as the biting north wind and the tempest-stricken sea. Bent over, she who journeys across the land, across the soils, shaping and shifting, dropping rocks and leaving mountains along the way. Exhausted and spent, the winter is long, the winter is not long enough (for some). And there is a whisper on the air, a song, a beckoning, a promise of green and renewal…
Join Cailleach, Beira, Queen of Winter on a journey of creation, of transformation, of cycles and the promise of spring. What stories have been told of your creation? What stories might you create?"
My path: "Our Cycle of Creation: Walking with the Cailleach – with Elinor & Irisanya"
"We are creators. With each step, with each movement, we make the world around us. We drop rocks and boulders and shape the places where we are (and are going). And in this daily process, we can become tired and aching and old. There are times when we rest, when we rest deeply, or maybe we need to rest deeply, but don’t…. In deep stillness we can collect ourselves, turn inward to find what seemed lost, and take up the promise of renewal.
Can we be quiet enough to hear the whisper on the wind?
Can we be brave enough to follow that voice that says ‘come here, come here’?
Can we come together to create a new story that leaves flowers in our wake?
In this path, we’ll discover and uncover the ways in which we are creative forces of nature. We’ll explore the cycle of creation from where we begin, through rest and reflection, into the place(s) of renewal and inspiration. Through trance, writing, gentle movement, and listening to the wind and one another, we will walk with the Cailleach, creating as we go.
We are creators, like so many before us, and this is the story of our creation."
Source: www.dragonrisecamp.org
The Cailleach!
Cailleach, old woman, hag, witch. Fierce as the biting north wind and the tempest-stricken sea. Bent over, she who journeys across the land, across the soils, shaping and shifting, dropping rocks and leaving mountains along the way. Exhausted and spent, the winter is long, the winter is not long enough (for some). And there is a whisper on the air, a song, a beckoning, a promise of green and renewal…
Join Cailleach, Beira, Queen of Winter on a journey of creation, of transformation, of cycles and the promise of spring. What stories have been told of your creation? What stories might you create?"
My path: "Our Cycle of Creation: Walking with the Cailleach – with Elinor & Irisanya"
"We are creators. With each step, with each movement, we make the world around us. We drop rocks and boulders and shape the places where we are (and are going). And in this daily process, we can become tired and aching and old. There are times when we rest, when we rest deeply, or maybe we need to rest deeply, but don’t…. In deep stillness we can collect ourselves, turn inward to find what seemed lost, and take up the promise of renewal.
Can we be quiet enough to hear the whisper on the wind?
Can we be brave enough to follow that voice that says ‘come here, come here’?
Can we come together to create a new story that leaves flowers in our wake?
In this path, we’ll discover and uncover the ways in which we are creative forces of nature. We’ll explore the cycle of creation from where we begin, through rest and reflection, into the place(s) of renewal and inspiration. Through trance, writing, gentle movement, and listening to the wind and one another, we will walk with the Cailleach, creating as we go.
We are creators, like so many before us, and this is the story of our creation."
Source: www.dragonrisecamp.org