Athen & Kreta, Oktober 2024 | |
Reise nach Athen, Griechenland Priestess Convocation auf Kreta Schon lange hatte ich mich auf die von Anique Radiant Heart initiierte "Priestess Convocation" gefreut. Vorher verbrachte ich einige schöne Tage in der Stadt der Göttin Athena! |

Teaching in Norway, August 2024 | |
After five years I return to this beautiful country, with songs, joy & laughter! After the successful seminar "Restoring Paradise - Healing Ceremonies for the Earth" with Brooke Medicine Eagle, I was invited to teach at an outdoor college in Sirdal/Norway. My task will be to teach the new students [grade 9] how to burn incense with herbs and how to sing songs to go with it. You can't imagine how excited I am about this new opportunity to bring my treasures into the world! |

Peti says welcome! | |
Many cultures have been using music, dancing & chanting as a means to harmonize man and nature for centuries. Songs, stories, myths & fairytales ... |

Testimonials & press comments | |
What people say about Peti Songcatcher & friends' gigs, Song Catching, Petis' CDs, the impact of songs .. |
Crowdfunding [CD3:Release Spring 2025
Release Spring 2025
55081 visits in`25 | 188 visits heute | ••••••••••