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Mitsingkonzert beim "Sommerfestival Spots on Spandau"
24.07.2022, 15 - 16 Uhr
Spandauer Altstadt, Jüdenstr. 1, Kunstremisen
Danke an Joyce Ferse & Team für diese tolle Möglichkeit, ich habe mich sehr gefreut!
Erstmals zu Gast bei O.K.beat, Radio Alex Berlin
09.06.2022, Peti Songcatcher spricht über sich und ihre Musik
Das war eine ganz besondere Gelegenheit - es gibt das Interview zum Nachhören!
Ägyptenreise 2020, Rückblick
Unterwegs im magischen Land Kemet
Kemet ist der altägyptische Name für Ägypten und bedeutet „Schwarzes (Land)“, womit ...
Konzertreise Sommer 2019
Songcatcher & friends gaben Mitsingkonzerte in Österreich!
27.07.2019, 18:30 Uhr
A-9065 Ebenthal

31.07.2019, 18:30 Uhr
A-1130 Wien
1. FrauenFest "Herzfeuer"
23.06.2018, Wuppertal
Während des Abendrituals durfte ich meine wild-schönen Schwestern Ravena und Karmi vom Rising ...
4th Goddess Conference in Vienna
31st May - 2nd June 2018, Castle Laudon, Vienna
Peti Songcatcher was very happy to be a part of it and to serve as ritual musician.
Mitsingkonzert "Songcatcher & friends"
12. Mai 2018, 20:00, St. Andreasberg, Harz
Das Konzert fand im Rahmen des Reclaiming-Löwenzahntreffens statt. Peti Songcatcher wurde ...
Mitsingkonzert mit Peti Songcatcher & Paula Noske
18. August 2017
A-9065 Ebenthal
Paula Noske & Peti Songcatcher gaben ihr erstes gemeinsames Konzert im schönen Kärnten!
Großes Sommer-Dankes-Fest
15. August 2017
Schloss Eschelberg
Die Hüter des Ortes bedankten sich bei allen SchlosspatInnen.
Paula Noske & Peti Songcatcher ...
Am 16.07.2017: Singen im Bremer Friedenstunnel
Mit Peti Songcatcher & Duke Meyer
- We shall over come
- Bella ciao
- Om Tare
- Love is
- Zauberkreis des Friedens
Rückblick 2016
Peti Songcatcher & friends in Fotos & Videos
Unterwegs in Bremen, Berlin, Wien - bei Liedernächten, der Langen Nacht der Religionen, einem ...
1st Night of spiritual songs in Bremen!
Oktober 21st, 2016
Cappella della Musica
With Joachim Goerke, Paula Noske & Peti Songcatcher, Gabi Lindinger, Heidi Feldhäuser
3rd Austrian Goddess Conference
26.-28.05.2016, Schloss Laudon, Vienna
"Goddesses of the Earth": It was my pleasure and my honour to contribute as ritual muscian ...
Night of Spiritual Songs
19. Februar 2016
With Peti Songcatcher & Paula Noske - it is our pleasure and our honour to be part of this ...
Night of Spiritual Songs
20. November 2015
With Peti Songcatcher & Duke Meyer.
Thank you for your excellent support, dear Duke!
Sing-along-concerts, May 2015
With Peti Songcatcher (voc) & Jan Runhardt (fr-dr)
Together we performed in our sing-a-long concerts in Westervoort, Seehausen, Wien & Ebenthal.
Concert in Berlin, 02/28/2015
Peti Songcatcher (voc, fr-dr) & Paula Noske (voc, fr-dr, guit)
The gig we played together was booked via the Startnext crowdfunding for the CD "Songs between ...
Concert in Italy
Peti Songcatcher & Paula Noske
Trip to Italy together with Paula Noske for a concert near Lake Garda, October 2014.
Reclaiming-Witchcamp in Australia
Earth Song Witchcamp
Attended Earth Song Witchcamp in Australia as participant, songcatcher & ritual musician, 26.09.-01.10.2014 ...
Big Love Sista Songs & Stories Gathering in Liverpool, UK
June 2014
Via our Crowd Funding project the wonderful Clare Campbell booked me for this fabulous international ...
Goddess Conference in Vienna
Ritual musician, Castle Laudon, May 2014
Singing, accompanying others, drumming and sharing of songs and stories. It was my pleasure ...
Releaseparty CD2
24th of Mai, 2014, "Oben bei Froben", 28870 Ottersberg
Champagne reception at the release party of CD 2 with an introduction of the team members and ...
Thank you all so much for your support, for sympathizing, for sharing - you are the greatest!
Celebrating ten years of cultural activities in the countryside
Concert & organizer, 2013
Celebration of ten years of cultural activities in the countryside, this time self-organised ...
Medieval Reenactment Fair in Otterstedt
Celebrating community, April 2013
Musicians playing Jew's harps, lutes and flutes as well as jesters and storytellers gathered ...
Concert at SteinReich in Bremen
Sing-along concert with Paula Noske, 2011
"Songs, chants and mantras to listen and sing-along"
- with Paula Noske at SteinReich in ...
55071 visits in`25 | 178 visits heute | •••••••